Don't Miss THIS Adventure of a Lifetime!

Registration IS OPEN for Spring 2025

Join Pastor Ron and the My Daily Bread Global Family May 4-14, 2025.



This extraordinary, life-changing worship experience will deepen your understanding of Holy Scripture as you travel the ancient footsteps of Jesus, experience the majesty of Mount Carmel, explore the ancient hometown of Mary Magdalene, imagine the power of Jesus message on the Mountain of Beatitudes and so much more.

PRAY at the Western Wailing Wall

Believed to be the place where Abraham bound Isaac in obedience to the Lord, the Western Wall is considered one of the holiest sights in Jerusalem. Jewish people have been praying here for more than 2000 years and we'll have an opportunity to pray here as well.

WALK where Jesus walked along the Via Dolorosa

The Via Dolorosa is a narrow stone path Jesus traveled to his crucifixion nearly 2000 years ago. Known also as "The Way of the Cross" or "The Way of Sorrow", it is one of Christendom's most sacred of sites. Each year, thousands of Christian pilgrims visit and walk along this path. 

WORSHIP as we sail across the Sea of Galilee

Come worship the Lord Jesus on the very lake where He taught, walked on the water, and calmed the wind and the waves! Your worship experience on this very body of water will likely deepen and enrich your relationship with Jesus.

REFRESH your spirit as you are baptized in the Jordan River

For centuries, baptisms have been taking place in the Jordan River, considered holy by many religious communities. As the site of the baptism of Jesus Christ, the Jordan River has been the focus of the Christian communities from around the world for centuries.


Itinerary Below Subject to Change Without Notice

  • Depart the United States for overnight flight to Tel-Aviv.
  • Arrive in Israel
  • Meet our representative who will escort us to our tour-guide and driver.
  • Travel to our Hotel for dinner and overnight. 
  • Overnight at Mediterranean.
  • After check-out, we travel to Caesarea Philippi, the place Peter confessed that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the Living God (Matthew 16) and then to Mount Carmel, a fertile mountain range, where Prophet Elijah defeated the Pagan prophets (1 Kings 18).
  • After lunch, we head to Megiddo, where many Biblical events took place and according to the prophecies, the battle of Armageddon will happen.
  • Following, we'll travel to Nazareth, the hometown of Jesus, and visit Nazareth Village - a recreated town of ancient Nazareth which offers a window into the Galilean life at the time of Jesus.
  • Overnight at Nof Ginnosar.
  • After breakfast, we'll begin our day on a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, where we'll get a chance to worship, meditate and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding area. Next we'll drive to Magdala - the hometown of Mary Magdalene where we'll see an amazingly preserved synagogue and marketplace that testify to its glorious heyday. 
  • Our last stop is the Yardenit- a baptismal site on the Jordan River. Here, we'll have the opportunity to reconnect with the Biblical event of Jesus's baptism and baptize in the Jordan River.
  • Overnight at Nof Ginnosar.
  • Next, we'll travel to the ancient city of Beit Shean. Here, we'll find magnificent remains that attest to the city's significance as the head of the Decapolis region.
  • Immediately following, we'll travel to the biblical city of Bethlehem - the hometown of King David, and the birthplace of Jesus. Here, we'll visit the Nativity Church, a 4th-Century church built on the spot where Jesus was born, currently shared by three denominations.
  • Finally, we will start our ascent to Jerusalem, towards the Holy City. Welcome to Jerusalem.
  • Overnight at Dan Panorama Jerusalem.
  • After breakfast, we'll travel to the Mount of Olives and enjoy the famous panoramic view of Jerusalem.
  • Then we're off to the Pools of Bethesda & St. Anne's Church. The church is well-known for its acoustics, while the pools are the site where Jesus healed the lame man on a Sabbath day (John 5).
  • We'll walk the Via Dolorosa -  the road where pilgrims can relate to the passion of Christ, and visit Pontius Pilate Judgment Hall.
  • We'll continue walking until reaching the Holy Sepulchre Church - the celebrated site of the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • Overnight at Dan Panorama Jerusalem.
  • After breakfast we head to the Judean desert. Our first stop is at Masada, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and a magnificent fortress built by King Herod, which served as the arena for the last events of the Great Jewish Revolt.
  • We'll proceed to the ancient village of Qumran, which is where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.
  • Our last stop is the Dead Sea - the lowest place in the world. Its buoyant waters are abundant with minerals and offer an excellent opportunity to enjoy a natural open-air spa.
  • Overnight at Dan Panorama Jerusalem.
  • Overnight at Dan Panorama Jerusalem.
  • Today we'll walk the Palm Sunday Road, following the footsteps of Jesus as he entered Jerusalem and many came and proclaimed "Hosanna... blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord." (Matthew 21)
  • Then we'll reach the Garden of Gethsemane with its precious olive trees. Here, Jesus prayed, "Oh my father, if this cup cannot pass away from me unless I drink it, your will be done." (Matthew 26).
  • We'll walk to the Western Wall - the main place of worship for the Jewish people. Visitors are welcome to participate in an old tradition and leave a prayer note at the Western Wall.
  • Our last stop will be at the Western Wall Tunnels. Discovered during the late 19th Century, the tunnels offer a magnificent look at the long-hidden structures adjacent to the Temple Mount. We'll visit the Jewish Quarter with its many ruins and make our way to Mount Zion and visit the Upper Room, where Jesus had the Last Supper with the disciples as well as the Tomb of King David - a synagogue that houses the tomb of the Glorious King, and St. Peter in Gallicantu Church - traditional house of Caiaphas, the High Priest.
  • After lunch we'll visit the Garden Tomb - a serene garden with a burial cave, and a skull-shaped hill. After the guided tour, we will assemble in one of the meeting places for the communion.
  • Overnight at Dan Panorama Jerusalem.
DAY 10
  • We'll begin our day traveling to the Valley of Elah, where the Israelites clashed against the Philistines, and young David defeated their champion Goliath. 
  • After lunch, we'll travel to Yad VaShem - Israel's official Holocaust memorial that bears witness to one of the darkest times in Jewish history. The well-arranged exhibitions and the endless testimonies will leave you speechless.
  • Overnight at Dan Panorama Jerusalem.
DAY 11
  • After checking out of the hotel, we'll travel to the airport to catch your flight back home to the United States.


  • Group transportation from Ben Gurion Airport to the hotel and from Jerusalem to the airport
  • 8 Days of touring with licensed tour guide on a comfortable A/C bus licensed /insured for Tourism (up to 200km/10 hours per day).
  • All mileage/car expenses and parking fees for the above program.
  • All tour coordination services.
  • Entrance fees to all sights mentioned above.
  • Hotels and accommodations for the guests. (NOTE: check-in at Israeli hotels is 2:00  PM - 3:00 PM and check-out time is 11:00 AM-12:00 noon).
  • Porterage in Hotels.
  • Breakfast and Dinner each day.


  • Personal health insurance, insurance for baggage, personal items, trip cancellation or interruption
  • Any expenses related to Covid-19 insurance, hospitalizations, trip extension, etc.
  • Any airplane tickets & arrangements. (NOTE: each traveler is responsible for securing their own flight arrangements to and from Israel. All tour participants must arrive to Tel Aviv no later than 12:00 p.m. Monday, May 5, 2025. )
  • Tips (drivers, guides, hotel porters and other suppliers). Please note: gratuity will be collected from each traveler prior to boarding our bus on the arrival day. Please have US dollars ready. Details will be given to each traveler once their deposit has been made.
  • Spa Treatments
  • Early check-in or late check out.
  • Mileage beyond what has been allotted.
**DISCLOSURES** Itinerary is subject to change.