Our Story

How it all started...

Before dawn had broken one early morning in December, 2021, I had tuned in to a ministry training by Bishop Wellington Boone as he shared his teachings on “Eternity Training.” Although I had been fortunate to hear him teach this same message many times before, for some reason, this time was different. As Bishop was wrapping up his thoughts, he made a statement that not only resonated in my heart, it impacted me to the depths of my soul. Bishop Boone culminated the session with:"Nothing great will ever happen in your life without sacrifice."  Mic drop moment. Seriously! I can remember sitting  up in the bed with hot tears instantly running down my cheeks: I didn't only hear these words with my ears, my soul woke up to a new kind of dawn that morning.  After replaying this profound statement over and over in my mind for days, I took an inventory of all the things I could consider sacrificing in my life.  Was it money? Was it something I owned? What sacrifice could I possibly offer to the Lord that would make any kind of an impact in my life and much less someone else's? The answer was in plain sight the entire time but the willingness to follow through was a different story.  For many years, I have savored and preserved my early morning personal study and worship times. Simply spending quiet time with Jesus, five o'clock in the morning has always been my golden hour for hearing from the Lord. Often times, these were also the moments when I would receive heavenly downloads in preparation for a weekly Bible study I've been teaching since 2008.  
If I was going to sacrifice anything that could really translate into a cost of some kind, five o'clock A.M., would be it. I shared my strategy with my Pastor and Mentor Bryan Pace, and with his stamp of approval, I made the announcement to our church that beginning January 3, 2022 I would be hosting a LIVE Bible Reading Room on the Clubhouse App called My Daily Bread. Anyone interested could join us in reading through four chapters of scripture using Bishop Wellington Boone's Eternity Training Bible Reading Guide every morning Monday thru Friday at 5 a.m. for the entire year and discuss topics relevant to our daily readings. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months as a handful of participants in Phoenix, Arizona committed to this morning routine beginning in January, 2022, which has now reached thousands of participants globally who are either joining live or listening in to the replay on a consistent basis.  
All in all, this has shown us that at the heart of every believer is the increasing desire to know God and His Word throughout our faith walk and the inevitable transformation that follows.

Expanding the vision...

What began with a handful of believers who desired to be transformed by the power of the Word of God in one community, has now expanded to a daily gathering of more than 1700 Jesus lovers from all over the world!   Men and women from all walks of life, and all levels of Bible knowledge, dedicate one hour of their mornings to experience the influential power of reading God's Word … aloud. We believe the contagious nature of reading God's Word with other believers will cause exponential growth in YOU in the coming year. We can assure you, if you'll practice this one simple discipline daily, a year from now, you will not recognize who you have become.

Where we are headed...

In addition to our daily gatherings of our My Daily Bread community, we have a desire to see an increase of opportunities for discipleship. We're currently developing strategic and relevant content for the purpose of helping believers from every background form an authentic deeper relationship with Jesus. You can expect videos, podcasts, conversations and more to be added to our digital platform as our content grows organically and faithfully in the coming weeks.

Be a part of our story as HE becomes a part of yours...

NOW GATHERING TWICE A DAY! Join us every morning on Clubhouse, Monday thru Friday at 6:00 a.m. (EST) and again at 5:00 a.m. (AZ Time) as we gather to read, study and discuss the Word of God together.